
Core-python interface definitions


IDBMDatabase(IObjectContains, IObjectIter, IObjectGetItem, IObjectSetItem, IObjectDelItem, IMappingIterKeys, IMappingKeys, IStreamClose, IMappingHasKey)

class IArrayByteswap(Interface)
    Mutable-array interface
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25223256>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'byteswap': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018068B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mutable-array interface', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayByteswap', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018068D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B450; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018068D0 (IArrayByteswap)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018068D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018068D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018068D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IArrayIOFile(Interface)
    Array-object to/from file method interfaces
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059240>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1970>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'fromfile': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806770>, 'tofile': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806790>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Array-object to/from file method interfaces', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayIOFile', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1FD0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1970>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806750>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1FD0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B390; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806750 (IArrayIOFile)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806750>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806750>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806750>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IArrayIOList(Interface)
    Array-object to/from list method interfaces
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059200>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'fromlist': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018066F0>, 'tolist': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018066D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Array-object to/from list method interfaces', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayIOList', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018066B0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B330; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018066B0 (IArrayIOList)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018066B0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018066B0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018066B0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IArrayIOString(Interface)
    Array-object to/from string method interfaces
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059160>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'fromstring': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806650>, 'tostring': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806610>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Array-object to/from string method interfaces', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayIOString', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806630>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B2D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806630 (IArrayIOString)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806630>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806630>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806630>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IArrayMetadata(Interface)
    Array-object providing item-type metadata
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059280>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1FD0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'itemsize': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x018067B0>, 'typecode': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x018067F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Array-object providing item-type metadata', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayMetadata', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1470>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1FD0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018067D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1470>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B3F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018067D0 (IArrayMetadata)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018067D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018067D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018067D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IBSDIteration(Interface)
    BSDDB iteration interface
This is the interface provided by the dbhash module's
"database" objects (in addition to the IDBMDatabase
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058920>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'first': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806550>, 'last': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018064B0>, 'next': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806510>, 'previous': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806570>, 'sync': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806370>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'BSDDB iteration interface\n\n\tThis is the interfac...s (in addition to the IDBMDatabase\n\tinterface).\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IBSDIteration', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018064D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B210; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018064D0 (IBSDIteration)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018064D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018064D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018064D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IBSDIterationSetLocation(IBSDIteration)
    Adds ability to set database cursor location by key
Method resolution order:

Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059080>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'set_location': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018065D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>,), '__doc__': 'Adds ability to set database cursor location by key\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IBSDIterationSetLocation', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11B0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806530>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11B0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B270; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806530 (IBSDIterationSetLocation)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806530>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806530>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806530>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ICopyCopy(ICopyable)
    Object which defines explicit shallow __copy__ method
Method resolution order:

Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy at 17cc930>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24900432>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__copy__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC910>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which defines explicit shallow __copy__ method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy at 17cc930>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ICopyCopy', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy at 17cc930>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy at 17cc930>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC930>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6090; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC930 (ICopyCopy)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC930>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC930>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC930>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ICopyDeepCopy(IDeepCopyable)
    Object which defines explicit __deepcopy__ method
Method resolution order:

Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy at 17cca10>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24901192>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__deepcopy__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC9F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>,), '__doc__': 'Object which defines explicit __deepcopy__ method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy at 17cca10>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ICopyDeepCopy', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy at 17cca10>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy at 17cca10>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA10>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F10>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6150; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCA10 (ICopyDeepCopy)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA10>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA10>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA10>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ICopyable(Interface)
    Marker interface declaring that object is copyable
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24900112>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Marker interface declaring that object is copyable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ICopyable', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC8B0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6030; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC8B0 (ICopyable)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC8B0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC8B0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC8B0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IDBMDatabase(IObjectContains, IObjectIter, IObjectGetItem, IObjectSetItem, IObjectDelItem, IMappingIterKeys, IMappingKeys, IStreamClose, IMappingHasKey)
    (Dumb/G)DBM Interface
XXX Note this interface is derived from the DumbDBM
        runtime class, there may be items which are not
        officially considered part of interface.
Method resolution order:

Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058840>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>), '__doc__': '(Dumb/G)DBM Interface\n\n\tXXX Note this interface ... not\n\t\tofficially considered part of interface.\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IDBMDatabase', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>: (), ...}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806470>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B1B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806470 (IDBMDatabase)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806470>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806470>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806470>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IDeepCopyable(Interface)
    Marker interface declaring that object is copyable
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24901032>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1970>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Marker interface declaring that object is copyable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IDeepCopyable', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1970>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC990>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D60F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC990 (IDeepCopyable)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC990>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC990>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC990>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IIterator(Interface)
    Object which can operate as an iterator
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator at 17db2b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24920016>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__iter__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB290>, 'next': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB230>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which can operate as an iterator', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator at 17db2b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IIterator', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator at 17db2b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator at 17db2b0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB2B0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D67B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB2B0 (IIterator)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB2B0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB2B0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB2B0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingClear(Interface)
    Mapping object able to clear all subelements
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056600>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD18F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'clear': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9610>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to clear all subelements', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingClear', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD18F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E95F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7570; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E95F0 (IMappingClear)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E95F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E95F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E95F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingCopy(Interface)
    Mapping object able to create a shallow copy of itself
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056680>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'copy': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9690>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to create a shallow copy of itself', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingCopy', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9670>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E75D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9670 (IMappingCopy)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9670>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9670>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9670>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingGet(Interface)
    Mapping object providing call to retrieve an item or return default
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056840>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'get': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E97B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object providing call to retrieve an item or return default', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingGet', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9730>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7690; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9730 (IMappingGet)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9730>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9730>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9730>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingHasKey(Interface)
    Mapping object providing call to determine whether key is defined
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057080>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'has_key': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9950>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object providing call to determine whether key is defined', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingHasKey', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9930>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E77B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9930 (IMappingHasKey)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9930>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9930>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9930>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingItems(Interface)
    Mapping object able to return all items as a (key, value) list
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057160>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'items': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E99D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all items as a (key, value) list', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingItems', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E99B0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7810; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E99B0 (IMappingItems)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E99B0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E99B0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E99B0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingIterItems(Interface)
    Mapping object able to return all items as a (key, value) iterable
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems at 17e9a30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057240>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1370>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'iteritems': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9A50>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all items as a (key, value) iterable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems at 17e9a30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingIterItems', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems at 17e9a30>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems at 17e9a30>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1370>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9A30>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7870; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9A30 (IMappingIterItems)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9A30>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9A30>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9A30>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingIterKeys(Interface)
    Mapping object able to return all keys as an iterable
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057400>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1870>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'iterkeys': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9B50>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all keys as an iterable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingIterKeys', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10D0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1870>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9B30>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10D0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7930; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9B30 (IMappingIterKeys)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9B30>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9B30>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9B30>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingIterValues(Interface)
    Mapping object able to return all values as an iterable
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues at 17e9c30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057560>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'itervalues': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9C50>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all values as an iterable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues at 17e9c30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingIterValues', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues at 17e9c30>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues at 17e9c30>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C30>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E79F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9C30 (IMappingIterValues)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C30>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C30>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C30>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingKeys(Interface)
    Mapping object able to return all keys as a list
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057320>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'keys': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9AD0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all keys as a list', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingKeys', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9AB0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1470>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E78D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9AB0 (IMappingKeys)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9AB0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9AB0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9AB0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingPopItem(Interface)
    Mapping object providing method to retrieve and remove random value
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056920>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'popitem': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9830>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object providing method to retrieve and remove random value', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingPopItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9810>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1A90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E76F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9810 (IMappingPopItem)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9810>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9810>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9810>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingSetDefault(Interface)
    Mapping object providing method to retrieve or set-default key value
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057000>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'setdefault': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E98D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object providing method to retrieve or set-default key value', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingSetDefault', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9850>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7750; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9850 (IMappingSetDefault)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9850>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9850>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9850>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingUpdate(Interface)
    Mapping object able to update from another mapping object
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056760>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'update': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9710>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to update from another mapping object', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingUpdate', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E96F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7630; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E96F0 (IMappingUpdate)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E96F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E96F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E96F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IMappingValues(Interface)
    Mapping object able to return all values as a list
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues at 17e9bb0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057480>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1A90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'values': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9BD0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all values as a list', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues at 17e9bb0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingValues', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues at 17e9bb0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues at 17e9bb0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1A90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9BB0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7990; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9BB0 (IMappingValues)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9BB0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9BB0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9BB0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectComparable(Interface)
    Object which can be compared to other objects using cmp
There's a considerable number of methods, or a
very large number of interfaces.  Not sure what
should be done, so for now it's just a marker.
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843848>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': "Object which can be compared to other objects us...\tshould be done, so for now it's just a marker.\n\t", '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectComparable', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD16D0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC310>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD16D0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9390; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC310 (IObjectComparable)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC310>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC310>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC310>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectContains(Interface)
    Object which can determine whether it contains other
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843008>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__contains__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC050>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which can determine whether it contains other\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectContains', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC0F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017BD540; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC0F0 (IObjectContains)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC0F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC0F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC0F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectDelItem(Interface)
    Object which deletes a sub-item by key (random access)
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24844728>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__delitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC470>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which deletes a sub-item by key (random access)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectDelItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC450>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9CC0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC450 (IObjectDelItem)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC450>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC450>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC450>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectEq(Interface)
    Object which can compute whether other is equal
XXX should have adapters both ways for eq and ne
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843208>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__eq__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC190>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which can compute whether other is equal\n\n\tXXX should have adapters both ways for eq and ne\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectEq', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC170>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017BD8A0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC170 (IObjectEq)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC170>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC170>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC170>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectGetItem(Interface)
    Object which retrieves a sub-item by key (random access)
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24844048>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC350>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which retrieves a sub-item by key (random access)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectGetItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC370>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1A90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9C00; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC370 (IObjectGetItem)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC370>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC370>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC370>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectHash(Interface)
    Objects which can calculate a hash/key value
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845168>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD18F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__hash__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC5F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Objects which can calculate a hash/key value', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectHash', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD18F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC5D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9DE0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC5D0 (IObjectHash)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC5D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC5D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC5D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectIter(Interface)
    Object which provides explicit iteration support
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845328>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__iter__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC670>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which provides explicit iteration support', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectIter', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC650>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9E40; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC650 (IObjectIter)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC650>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC650>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC650>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectLength(Interface)
    Objects which can report a total length (number of sub-elements)
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24844848>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__len__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC4F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Objects which can report a total length (number of sub-elements)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectLength', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC4D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9D20; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC4D0 (IObjectLength)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC4D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC4D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC4D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectNe(Interface)
    Object which can compute whether other is not equal
XXX should have adapters both ways for eq and ne
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843368>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__ne__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC210>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which can compute whether other is not eq...XX should have adapters both ways for eq and ne\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectNe', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC1F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017BDC30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC1F0 (IObjectNe)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC1F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC1F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC1F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectNonZero(Interface)
    Objects which can determine their Boolean truth value directly
XXX Should be an adapter for IObjectLength?
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero at 17cc550>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845008>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__nonzero__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC570>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Objects which can determine their Boolean truth ...y\n\n\tXXX Should be an adapter for IObjectLength?\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero at 17cc550>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectNonZero', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero at 17cc550>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero at 17cc550>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC550>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10D0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9D80; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC550 (IObjectNonZero)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC550>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC550>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC550>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectPyDict(Interface)
    Object with a Python __dict__ attribute
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict at 17c7fd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 23635688>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1150>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__dict__': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x017C7F70>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object with a Python __dict__ attribute\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict at 17c7fd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectPyDict', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict at 17c7fd0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict at 17c7fd0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1150>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7FD0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1370>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 016C0E40; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017C7FD0 (IObjectPyDict)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7FD0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7FD0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7FD0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectPyDoc(Interface)
    ### Python-object protocols
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc at 17c7f10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 23634248>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__doc__': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x017C7EF0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': '', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc at 17c7f10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectPyDoc', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc at 17c7f10>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc at 17c7f10>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1BF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7F10>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1BF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 016C0BA0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017C7F10 (IObjectPyDoc)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7F10>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7F10>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7F10>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectPyName(Interface)
    Object with a __name__ attribute
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName at 17cc230>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843608>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__name__': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x017CC270>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object with a __name__ attribute', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName at 17cc230>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectPyName', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName at 17cc230>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName at 17cc230>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC230>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9150; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC230 (IObjectPyName)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC230>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC230>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC230>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IObjectSetItem(Interface)
    Object which sets a sub-item by key (random access)
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24844328>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__setitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC3F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which sets a sub-item by key (random access)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectSetItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC3D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9C60; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC3D0 (IObjectSetItem)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC3D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC3D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC3D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IPickleGetInitArgs(Interface)
    Object which allows retrieval of "recreation" arguments
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs at 17cc830>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24899792>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getinitargs__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC850>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which allows retrieval of "recreation" arguments', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs at 17cc830>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IPickleGetInitArgs', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs at 17cc830>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs at 17cc830>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC830>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9FC0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC830 (IPickleGetInitArgs)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC830>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC830>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC830>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IPickleGetState(Interface)
    Object which allows retrieval of current state
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState at 17cc750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845648>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getstate__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC730>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which allows retrieval of current state', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState at 17cc750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IPickleGetState', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState at 17cc750>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState at 17cc750>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC750>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9F00; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC750 (IPickleGetState)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC750>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC750>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC750>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IPickleSetState(Interface)
    Object which allows initialization from an archive of current state
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState at 17cc7b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24846088>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__setstate__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC7D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which allows initialization from an archive of current state', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState at 17cc7b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IPickleSetState', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState at 17cc7b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState at 17cc7b0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC7B0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9F60; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC7B0 (IPickleSetState)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC7B0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC7B0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC7B0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IPickleable(Interface)
    Marker interface declaring that object is pickleable
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845488>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Marker interface declaring that object is pickleable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IPickleable', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC6D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9EA0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC6D0 (IPickleable)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC6D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC6D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC6D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceAppend(Interface)
    Sequence object to which items may be appended
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24916296>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'append': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCD90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object to which items may be appended', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceAppend', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCD70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D63F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCD70 (ISequenceAppend)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCD70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCD70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCD70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceCount(Interface)
    Sequence object which can count instances of items
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24916576>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'count': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCE10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can count instances of items', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceCount', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCDF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6450; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCDF0 (ISequenceCount)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCDF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCDF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCDF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceDelItem(Interface)
    Sequence version of get-item, integer keys
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24902192>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__delitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCB90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence version of get-item, integer keys', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceDelItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCB70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6270; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCB70 (ISequenceDelItem)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCB70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCB70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCB70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceDelSlice(Interface)
    Sequence which can delete a "slice" of sub-objects by index
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24903432>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__delslice__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCD10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can delete a "slice" of sub-objects by index', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceDelSlice', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCCF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6390; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCCF0 (ISequenceDelSlice)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCCF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCCF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCCF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceExtend(Interface)
    Sequence object which can be extended with another sequence
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24916896>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'extend': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCE90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can be extended with another sequence', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceExtend', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCE70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D64B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCE70 (ISequenceExtend)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCE70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCE70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCE70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceGetItem(Interface)
    Sequence version of get-item, integer keys
This is the "random access" integer key retrieval
interface, whereas the IIterator interface gives
the more limited sequential interface.
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24901672>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCA90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence version of get-item, integer keys\n\n\tThi...e gives\n\tthe more limited sequential interface.\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceGetItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D61B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCA70 (ISequenceGetItem)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceGetSlice(Interface)
    Sequence which can retrieve a "slice" of sub-objects by index
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24902632>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getslice__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCC10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can retrieve a "slice" of sub-objects by index', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceGetSlice', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCBF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D62D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCBF0 (ISequenceGetSlice)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCBF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCBF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCBF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceIndex(Interface)
    Sequence object which can determine index of a sub-item
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24917376>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'index': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCF10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can determine index of a sub-item', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceIndex', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCEF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6510; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCEF0 (ISequenceIndex)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCEF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCEF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCEF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceInsert(Interface)
    Sequence object which can insert item at a given index
XXX Should have adapters for ISequenceAppend and ISequenceExtend
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24917696>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'insert': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCF90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can insert item at a given...dapters for ISequenceAppend and ISequenceExtend\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceInsert', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCF70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6570; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCF70 (ISequenceInsert)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCF70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCF70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCF70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequencePop(Interface)
    Sequence which can "pop" last item
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop at 17db1b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24919376>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'pop': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB190>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can "pop" last item', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop at 17db1b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequencePop', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop at 17db1b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop at 17db1b0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1B0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D66F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB1B0 (ISequencePop)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1B0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1B0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1B0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequencePopAny(Interface)
    Sequence which can "pop" any item
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24919696>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'pop': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB250>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can "pop" any item', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequencePopAny', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6750; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB1D0 (ISequencePopAny)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceRemove(Interface)
    Sequence object which can remove an instance of an item
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24918256>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'remove': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB090>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can remove an instance of an item', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceRemove', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D65D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCFF0 (ISequenceRemove)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceReverse(Interface)
    Sequence whose order can be reversed in-place
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24918696>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'reverse': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB0B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence whose order can be reversed in-place', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceReverse', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFD0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6630; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCFD0 (ISequenceReverse)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFD0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFD0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFD0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceSetItem(Interface)
    Sequence version of set-item, integer keys
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24901832>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__setitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCB10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence version of set-item, integer keys', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceSetItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCAF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6210; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCAF0 (ISequenceSetItem)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCAF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCAF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCAF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceSetSlice(Interface)
    Sequence which can set a "slice" of sub-objects by index
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24903032>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__setslice__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCC90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can set a "slice" of sub-objects by index', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceSetSlice', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCC70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6330; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCC70 (ISequenceSetSlice)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCC70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCC70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCC70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ISequenceSort(Interface)
    Sequence whose order can be sorted in-place
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24918976>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'sort': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB150>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence whose order can be sorted in-place', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceSort', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB0D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6690; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB0D0 (ISequenceSort)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB0D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB0D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB0D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamClose(Interface)
    Stream providing a close method to release resources
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057640>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'close': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9CF0>, 'closed': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x017E9CB0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing a close method to release resources', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamClose', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7A50; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9C70 (IStreamClose)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamFlush(Interface)
    Stream providing a flush method to flush internal buffers
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057720>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'flush': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9D70>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing a flush method to flush internal buffers', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamFlush', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9D50>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7AB0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9D50 (IStreamFlush)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9D50>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9D50>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9D50>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamIsTTY(Interface)
    Stream allowing query for whether it is a TTY-like device
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057800>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isatty': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9DF0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream allowing query for whether it is a TTY-like device', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamIsTTY', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9DD0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7B10; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9DD0 (IStreamIsTTY)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9DD0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9DD0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9DD0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamMode(Interface)
    Stream having a mode attribute
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058600>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'mode': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x01806310>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream having a mode attribute', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamMode', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018062D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7ED0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018062D0 (IStreamMode)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018062D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018062D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018062D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamName(Interface)
    Stream having a name attribute
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058680>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'name': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x01806390>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream having a name attribute', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamName', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806350>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7F30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806350 (IStreamName)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806350>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806350>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806350>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamRead(Interface)
    Stream providing basic read method
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057880>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'read': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9E90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing basic read method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamRead', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9E10>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7B70; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9E10 (IStreamRead)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9E10>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9E10>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9E10>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamReadLine(Interface)
    Stream providing line-reading method
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058040>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'readline': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9F90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing line-reading method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamReadLine', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9F10>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7C30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9F10 (IStreamReadLine)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9F10>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9F10>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9F10>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamReadLines(Interface)
    Stream providing multiple-line-reading method
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058120>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'readlines': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806090>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing multiple-line-reading method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamReadLines', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7C90; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9FF0 (IStreamReadLines)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamSeek(Interface)
    Stream providing random-access seeking to position
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058360>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'seek': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806190>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing random-access seeking to position', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamSeek', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806170>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7DB0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806170 (IStreamSeek)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806170>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806170>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806170>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamTell(Interface)
    Stream providing feedback regarding current position
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058440>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'tell': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806210>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing feedback regarding current position', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamTell', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018061F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7E10; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018061F0 (IStreamTell)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018061F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018061F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018061F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamTruncate(Interface)
    Stream providing feedback regarding current position
XXX Documentation seems to suggest that this interface requires
        IStreamTell, though only in cases where size is not specified
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058520>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'truncate': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018062B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing feedback regarding current posi...hough only in cases where size is not specified\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamTruncate', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806230>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7E70; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806230 (IStreamTruncate)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806230>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806230>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806230>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamWrite(Interface)
    Stream providing basic write method
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057960>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'write': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9ED0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing basic write method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamWrite', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9EF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7BD0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9EF0 (IStreamWrite)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9EF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9EF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9EF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamWriteLines(Interface)
    Stream providing multiple-line-writing method
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058280>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'writelines': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018060F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing multiple-line-writing method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamWriteLines', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806110>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7D50; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806110 (IStreamWriteLines)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806110>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806110>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806110>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStreamXReadLines(Interface)
    Stream providing optimized multiple-line-reading method
XXX This probably shouldn't be an interface unto itself,
        or at least it should be a child of IStreamReadLines
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058200>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'xreadlines': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018060B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing optimized multiple-line-reading... least it should be a child of IStreamReadLines\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamXReadLines', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FD0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7CF0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9FD0 (IStreamXReadLines)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FD0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FD0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FD0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class IStringIOGetValue(Interface)
    Provides access to current value of StringIO buffer
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058760>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'getvalue': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018063F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Provides access to current value of StringIO buffer', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStringIOGetValue', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806410>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7F90; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806410 (IStringIOGetValue)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806410>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806410>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806410>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextCapitalize(Interface)
    Text which can generate word-capitalized copies
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960536>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'capitalize': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB550>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate word-capitalized copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCapitalize', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB570>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6990; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB570 (ITextCapitalize)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB570>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB570>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB570>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextCaseLower(Interface)
    Text which can generate lower case copies
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower at 17db970>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24945768>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'lower': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB990>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate lower case copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower at 17db970>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCaseLower', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower at 17db970>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower at 17db970>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB970>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6C90; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB970 (ITextCaseLower)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB970>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB970>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB970>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextCaseSwap(Interface)
    Text which can generate case-swapped copies
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap at 17db9f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24946128>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'swapcase': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBA10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate case-swapped copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap at 17db9f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCaseSwap', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap at 17db9f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap at 17db9f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB9F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6CF0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB9F0 (ITextCaseSwap)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB9F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB9F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB9F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextCaseTitle(Interface)
    Text which can generate title-cased copies
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle at 17dba70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24946728>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'title': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBA90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate title-cased copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle at 17dba70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCaseTitle', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle at 17dba70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle at 17dba70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBA70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6D50; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBA70 (ITextCaseTitle)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBA70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBA70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBA70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextCaseUpper(Interface)
    Text which can generate upper case copies
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper at 17db910>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24945448>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'upper': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB8F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate upper case copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper at 17db910>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCaseUpper', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper at 17db910>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper at 17db910>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB910>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6C30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB910 (ITextCaseUpper)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB910>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB910>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB910>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextCenterAlign(Interface)
    Text which can generate center-aligned copy of a given width
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960616>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'center': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB5F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate center-aligned copy of a given width', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCenterAlign', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB5D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D69F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB5D0 (ITextCenterAlign)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB5D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB5D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB5D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextCount(ISequenceCount)
    Text which can count substring occurrences in a given range
Method resolution order:

Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055600>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'count': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBED0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can count substring occurrences in a given range', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCount', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBE50>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7090; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBE50 (ITextCount)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBE50>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBE50>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBE50>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextDecode(Interface)
    Text which can be decoded using a particular codec
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode at 17dbc90>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24948288>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'decode': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBC70>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can be decoded using a particular codec', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode at 17dbc90>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextDecode', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode at 17dbc90>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode at 17dbc90>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC90>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6ED0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBC90 (ITextDecode)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC90>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC90>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC90>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextEncode(Interface)
    Text which can be encoded using a particular codec
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode at 17dbcf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055360>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'encode': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBD10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can be encoded using a particular codec', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode at 17dbcf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextEncode', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode at 17dbcf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode at 17dbcf0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBCF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6F30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBCF0 (ITextEncode)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBCF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBCF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBCF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextEndsWith(Interface)
    Text which can determine whether it ends with a particular sub-string
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith at 17dbdb0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055520>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'endswith': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBE30>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can determine whether it ends with a particular sub-string', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith at 17dbdb0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextEndsWith', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith at 17dbdb0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith at 17dbdb0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBDB0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7030; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBDB0 (ITextEndsWith)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBDB0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBDB0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBDB0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextExpandTabs(Interface)
    Text which can generate tab-expanded copies
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs at 17db830>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24944808>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'expandtabs': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB8B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate tab-expanded copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs at 17db830>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextExpandTabs', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs at 17db830>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs at 17db830>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB830>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6BD0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB830 (ITextExpandTabs)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB830>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB830>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB830>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextFind(Interface)
    Text which can find start of contained sub-strings
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind at 17dbef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055720>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'find': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBF70>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can find start of contained sub-strings', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind at 17dbef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextFind', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind at 17dbef0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind at 17dbef0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBEF0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E70F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBEF0 (ITextFind)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBEF0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBEF0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBEF0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextFindRight(Interface)
    Text which can find start of contained sub-strings from end of text
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight at 17e9050>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055880>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'rfind': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E90D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can find start of contained sub-strings from end of text', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight at 17e9050>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextFindRight', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight at 17e9050>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight at 17e9050>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9050>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E71B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9050 (ITextFindRight)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9050>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9050>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9050>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIndex(ISequenceIndex)
    Text providing sequence-style index method with extra arguments
Method resolution order:

Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex at 17dbf90>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055760>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'index': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9090>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing sequence-style index method with extra arguments', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex at 17dbf90>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIndex', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex at 17dbf90>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex at 17dbf90>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBF90>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7150; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBF90 (ITextIndex)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBF90>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBF90>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBF90>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIndexRight(ISequenceIndex)
    Text which can find start of contained sub-strings from end of text, sequence style
Method resolution order:

Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight at 17e90f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055920>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'rindex': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9170>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can find start of contained sub-strings from end of text, sequence style', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight at 17e90f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIndexRight', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight at 17e90f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight at 17e90f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E90F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7210; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E90F0 (ITextIndexRight)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E90F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E90F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E90F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIsAlpha(Interface)
    Text providing test whether the text is all-alphabetic (and non-null)
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha at 17e9270>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056080>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isalpha': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9290>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-alphabetic (and non-null)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha at 17e9270>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsAlpha', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha at 17e9270>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha at 17e9270>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9270>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E72D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9270 (ITextIsAlpha)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9270>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9270>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9270>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIsAlphaNumeric(Interface)
    Text providing test whether the text is all-alphanumeric (and non-null)
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric at 17e9190>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056040>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isalnum': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9210>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-alphanumeric (and non-null)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric at 17e9190>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsAlphaNumeric', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric at 17e9190>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric at 17e9190>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9190>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7270; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9190 (ITextIsAlphaNumeric)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9190>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9190>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9190>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIsDigit(Interface)
    Text providing test whether the text is all-digits
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit at 17e92f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056120>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isdigit': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9310>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-digits', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit at 17e92f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsDigit', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit at 17e92f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit at 17e92f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E92F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7330; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E92F0 (ITextIsDigit)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E92F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E92F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E92F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIsLower(Interface)
    Text providing test whether the text is all-lowercase (and non-null)
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower at 17e93f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056280>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'islower': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9410>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-lowercase (and non-null)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower at 17e93f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsLower', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower at 17e93f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower at 17e93f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E93F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E73F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E93F0 (ITextIsLower)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E93F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E93F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E93F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIsNumeric(Interface)
    Text providing test whether the text is all-numeric characters
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric at 17e9370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056200>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isdigit': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9390>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-numeric characters', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric at 17e9370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsNumeric', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric at 17e9370>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric at 17e9370>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9370>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7390; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9370 (ITextIsNumeric)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9370>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9370>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9370>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIsSpace(Interface)
    Text providing test whether the text is all-whitespace (and non-null)
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace at 17e9470>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056360>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isspace': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9490>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-whitespace (and non-null)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace at 17e9470>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsSpace', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace at 17e9470>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace at 17e9470>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9470>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7450; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9470 (ITextIsSpace)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9470>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9470>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9470>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIsTitleCased(Interface)
    Text providing test whether text is in title case format
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased at 17e94f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056440>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'istitle': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9510>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether text is in title case format', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased at 17e94f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsTitleCased', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased at 17e94f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased at 17e94f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E94F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E74B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E94F0 (ITextIsTitleCased)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E94F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E94F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E94F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextIsUpperCased(Interface)
    Text providing test whether text is in upper case format
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased at 17e9570>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056520>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isupper': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9590>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether text is in upper case format', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased at 17e9570>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsUpperCased', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased at 17e9570>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased at 17e9570>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9570>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7510; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9570 (ITextIsUpperCased)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9570>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9570>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9570>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextJoin(Interface)
    Text which can join sequences of text objects
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960176>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'join': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB350>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can join sequences of text objects', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextJoin', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB310>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6810; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB310 (ITextJoin)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB310>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB310>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB310>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextLeftAlign(Interface)
    Text which can generate left-aligned copy of a given width
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960776>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'ljust': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB6F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate left-aligned copy of a given width', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextLeftAlign', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB6D0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6AB0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB6D0 (ITextLeftAlign)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB6D0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB6D0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB6D0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextReplace(Interface)
    Text which can generate copies with replaced sub-strings
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960336>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'replace': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB490>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate copies with replaced sub-strings', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextReplace', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB410>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D68D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB410 (ITextReplace)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB410>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB410>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB410>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextRightAlign(Interface)
    Text which can generate right-aligned copy of a given width
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960696>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'rjust': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB670>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate right-aligned copy of a given width', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextRightAlign', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB650>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6A50; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB650 (ITextRightAlign)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB650>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB650>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB650>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextSplit(Interface)
    Text which can create sequences by splitting on a sub-string
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960256>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFD0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'split': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB3F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can create sequences by splitting on a sub-string', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextSplit', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB370>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFD0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFD0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6870; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB370 (ITextSplit)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB370>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB370>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB370>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextSplitLines(Interface)
    Text which can split itself on line breaks
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960416>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'splitlines': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB510>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can split itself on line breaks', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextSplitLines', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB4F0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6930; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB4F0 (ITextSplitLines)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB4F0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB4F0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB4F0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextStartsWith(Interface)
    Text which can determine whether it starts with a particular sub-string
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith at 17dbd70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055440>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'startswith': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBD90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can determine whether it starts with a particular sub-string', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith at 17dbd70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextStartsWith', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith at 17dbd70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith at 17dbd70>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBD70>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6F90; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBD70 (ITextStartsWith)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBD70>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBD70>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBD70>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextStrip(Interface)
    Text which can generate copies with leading and trailing whitespace trimmed
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip at 17dbc10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24948208>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'strip': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBC30>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate copies with leading and trailing whitespace trimmed', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip at 17dbc10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextStrip', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip at 17dbc10>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip at 17dbc10>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC10>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6E70; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBC10 (ITextStrip)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC10>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC10>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC10>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextStripLeft(Interface)
    Text which can generate copies with leftmost whitespace trimmed
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft at 17dbab0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24947168>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'lstrip': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBB30>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate copies with leftmost whitespace trimmed', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft at 17dbab0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextStripLeft', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft at 17dbab0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft at 17dbab0>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBAB0>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6DB0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBAB0 (ITextStripLeft)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBAB0>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBAB0>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBAB0>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextStripRight(Interface)
    Text which can generate copies with rightmost whitespace trimmed
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight at 17dbb90>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24947448>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'rstrip': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBBB0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate copies with rightmost whitespace trimmed', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight at 17dbb90>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextStripRight', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight at 17dbb90>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight at 17dbb90>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBB90>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6E10; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBB90 (ITextStripRight)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBB90>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBB90>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBB90>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextTranslate(Interface)
    Text which can generate translation-table modified copies of itself
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960936>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'translate': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB810>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate translation-table modified copies of itself', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextTranslate', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB790>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6B70; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB790 (ITextTranslate)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB790>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB790>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB790>
Test whether a specification is or extends another

class ITextZeroFill(Interface)
    Text which can generate left-zero-padded copies of itself
  Data and other attributes defined here:
__bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
__identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill'
__iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960856>

Methods inherited from <Interface>:
__contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
__getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
__gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
__iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
__lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
__reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
__repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
changed(self) from InterfaceClass
We, or something we depend on, have changed
deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> class I2(I1): pass
  >>> class I3(Interface): pass
  >>> class I4(I3): pass
  >>> spec = Declaration()
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> spec = Declaration(I2)
  >>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I1))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I2))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I3))
  >>> int(spec.extends(I4))
  >>> I2.extends(I2)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, False)
  >>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the documentation for the object.
getName(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns the name of the object.
getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
Returns a list of all tags.
interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
  >>> class I1(Interface): pass
  >>> i = I1.interfaces()
  >>> list(i)
isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
Same interface or extends?
names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
Return the attribute description for the given name.
setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
Associates 'value' with 'key'.
subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass

Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
__class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
__delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
__dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'zfill': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB770>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate left-zero-padded copies of itself', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextZeroFill', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>', ...}
__getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
__hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
__implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
__reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB750>
helper for pickle
__setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
__str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6B10; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB750 (ITextZeroFill)>
isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB750>
Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB750>
Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB750>
Test whether a specification is or extends another


        StringIO_StringIO__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>]
array_ArrayType__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>]
baseTypeImplements = [(<type 'list'>, [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>, ...]), (<type 'tuple'>, [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>]), (<type 'str'>, [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>, ...]), (<type 'unicode'>, [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>, ...]), (<type 'dict'>, [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>, ...])]
bsddb__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>]
dbhash__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>]
dict__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>, ...]
dumbdbm__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>]
file__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>]
list__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>, ...]
str__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>, ...]
tuple__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>]
unicode__implements__ = [<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>, ...]