| |
- Interface
- IArrayByteswap
- IArrayIOFile
- IArrayIOList
- IArrayIOString
- IArrayMetadata
- IBSDIteration
- IBSDIterationSetLocation
- ICopyable
- ICopyCopy
- IDeepCopyable
- ICopyDeepCopy
- IIterator
- IMappingClear
- IMappingCopy
- IMappingGet
- IMappingHasKey
- IMappingItems
- IMappingIterItems
- IMappingIterKeys
- IMappingIterValues
- IMappingKeys
- IMappingPopItem
- IMappingSetDefault
- IMappingUpdate
- IMappingValues
- IObjectComparable
- IObjectContains
- IDBMDatabase(IObjectContains, IObjectIter, IObjectGetItem, IObjectSetItem, IObjectDelItem, IMappingIterKeys, IMappingKeys, IStreamClose, IMappingHasKey)
- IObjectDelItem
- IObjectEq
- IObjectGetItem
- IObjectHash
- IObjectIter
- IObjectLength
- IObjectNe
- IObjectNonZero
- IObjectPyDict
- IObjectPyDoc
- IObjectPyName
- IObjectSetItem
- IPickleGetInitArgs
- IPickleGetState
- IPickleSetState
- IPickleable
- ISequenceAppend
- ISequenceCount
- ITextCount
- ISequenceDelItem
- ISequenceDelSlice
- ISequenceExtend
- ISequenceGetItem
- ISequenceGetSlice
- ISequenceIndex
- ITextIndex
- ITextIndexRight
- ISequenceInsert
- ISequencePop
- ISequencePopAny
- ISequenceRemove
- ISequenceReverse
- ISequenceSetItem
- ISequenceSetSlice
- ISequenceSort
- IStreamClose
- IStreamFlush
- IStreamIsTTY
- IStreamMode
- IStreamName
- IStreamRead
- IStreamReadLine
- IStreamReadLines
- IStreamSeek
- IStreamTell
- IStreamTruncate
- IStreamWrite
- IStreamWriteLines
- IStreamXReadLines
- IStringIOGetValue
- ITextCapitalize
- ITextCaseLower
- ITextCaseSwap
- ITextCaseTitle
- ITextCaseUpper
- ITextCenterAlign
- ITextDecode
- ITextEncode
- ITextEndsWith
- ITextExpandTabs
- ITextFind
- ITextFindRight
- ITextIsAlpha
- ITextIsAlphaNumeric
- ITextIsDigit
- ITextIsLower
- ITextIsNumeric
- ITextIsSpace
- ITextIsTitleCased
- ITextIsUpperCased
- ITextJoin
- ITextLeftAlign
- ITextReplace
- ITextRightAlign
- ITextSplit
- ITextSplitLines
- ITextStartsWith
- ITextStrip
- ITextStripLeft
- ITextStripRight
- ITextTranslate
- ITextZeroFill
class IArrayByteswap(Interface) |
Mutable-array interface |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25223256>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'byteswap': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018068B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mutable-array interface', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayByteswap', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayByteswap at 18068d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018068D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B450; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018068D0 (IArrayByteswap)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018068D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018068D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018068D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IArrayIOFile(Interface) |
Array-object to/from file method interfaces |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059240>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1970>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'fromfile': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806770>, 'tofile': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806790>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Array-object to/from file method interfaces', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayIOFile', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOFile at 1806750>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1FD0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1970>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806750>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1FD0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B390; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806750 (IArrayIOFile)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806750>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806750>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806750>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IArrayIOList(Interface) |
Array-object to/from list method interfaces |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059200>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'fromlist': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018066F0>, 'tolist': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018066D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Array-object to/from list method interfaces', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayIOList', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOList at 18066b0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018066B0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B330; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018066B0 (IArrayIOList)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018066B0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018066B0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018066B0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IArrayIOString(Interface) |
Array-object to/from string method interfaces |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059160>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'fromstring': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806650>, 'tostring': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806610>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Array-object to/from string method interfaces', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayIOString', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayIOString at 1806630>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806630>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B2D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806630 (IArrayIOString)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806630>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806630>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806630>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IArrayMetadata(Interface) |
Array-object providing item-type metadata |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059280>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1FD0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'itemsize': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x018067B0>, 'typecode': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x018067F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Array-object providing item-type metadata', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IArrayMetadata', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IArrayMetadata at 18067d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1470>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1FD0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018067D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1470>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B3F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018067D0 (IArrayMetadata)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018067D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018067D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018067D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IBSDIteration(Interface) |
BSDDB iteration interface
This is the interface provided by the dbhash module's
"database" objects (in addition to the IDBMDatabase
interface). |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058920>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'first': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806550>, 'last': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018064B0>, 'next': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806510>, 'previous': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806570>, 'sync': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806370>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'BSDDB iteration interface\n\n\tThis is the interfac...s (in addition to the IDBMDatabase\n\tinterface).\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IBSDIteration', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018064D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B210; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018064D0 (IBSDIteration)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018064D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018064D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018064D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IBSDIterationSetLocation(IBSDIteration) |
Adds ability to set database cursor location by key |
- Method resolution order:
- IBSDIterationSetLocation
- IBSDIteration
- Interface
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25059080>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'set_location': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018065D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>,), '__doc__': 'Adds ability to set database cursor location by key\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IBSDIterationSetLocation', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIteration at 18064d0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IBSDIterationSetLocation at 1806530>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11B0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806530>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11B0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B270; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806530 (IBSDIterationSetLocation)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806530>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806530>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806530>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ICopyCopy(ICopyable) |
Object which defines explicit shallow __copy__ method |
- Method resolution order:
- ICopyCopy
- ICopyable
- Interface
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy at 17cc930>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24900432>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__copy__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC910>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which defines explicit shallow __copy__ method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy at 17cc930>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ICopyCopy', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy at 17cc930>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyCopy at 17cc930>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1690>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC930>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6090; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC930 (ICopyCopy)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC930>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC930>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC930>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ICopyDeepCopy(IDeepCopyable) |
Object which defines explicit __deepcopy__ method |
- Method resolution order:
- ICopyDeepCopy
- IDeepCopyable
- Interface
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy at 17cca10>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24901192>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__deepcopy__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC9F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>,), '__doc__': 'Object which defines explicit __deepcopy__ method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy at 17cca10>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ICopyDeepCopy', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy at 17cca10>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyDeepCopy at 17cca10>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA10>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F10>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6150; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCA10 (ICopyDeepCopy)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA10>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA10>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA10>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ICopyable(Interface) |
Marker interface declaring that object is copyable |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24900112>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Marker interface declaring that object is copyable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ICopyable', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ICopyable at 17cc8b0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC8B0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6030; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC8B0 (ICopyable)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC8B0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC8B0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC8B0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IDBMDatabase(IObjectContains, IObjectIter, IObjectGetItem, IObjectSetItem, IObjectDelItem, IMappingIterKeys, IMappingKeys, IStreamClose, IMappingHasKey) |
(Dumb/G)DBM Interface
XXX Note this interface is derived from the DumbDBM
runtime class, there may be items which are not
officially considered part of interface. |
- Method resolution order:
- IDBMDatabase
- IObjectContains
- Interface
- IObjectIter
- IObjectGetItem
- IObjectSetItem
- IObjectDelItem
- IMappingIterKeys
- IMappingKeys
- IStreamClose
- IMappingHasKey
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058840>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>), '__doc__': '(Dumb/G)DBM Interface\n\n\tXXX Note this interface ... not\n\t\tofficially considered part of interface.\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IDBMDatabase', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>: (), ...}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDBMDatabase at 1806470>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806470>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 0180B1B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806470 (IDBMDatabase)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806470>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806470>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806470>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IDeepCopyable(Interface) |
Marker interface declaring that object is copyable |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24901032>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1970>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Marker interface declaring that object is copyable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IDeepCopyable', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IDeepCopyable at 17cc990>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1970>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC990>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D60F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC990 (IDeepCopyable)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC990>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC990>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC990>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IIterator(Interface) |
Object which can operate as an iterator |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator at 17db2b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24920016>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__iter__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB290>, 'next': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB230>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which can operate as an iterator', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator at 17db2b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IIterator', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator at 17db2b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IIterator at 17db2b0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1650>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB2B0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D67B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB2B0 (IIterator)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB2B0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB2B0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB2B0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingClear(Interface) |
Mapping object able to clear all subelements |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056600>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD18F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'clear': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9610>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to clear all subelements', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingClear', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingClear at 17e95f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD18F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E95F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7570; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E95F0 (IMappingClear)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E95F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E95F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E95F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingCopy(Interface) |
Mapping object able to create a shallow copy of itself |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056680>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'copy': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9690>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to create a shallow copy of itself', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingCopy', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingCopy at 17e9670>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9670>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CD0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E75D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9670 (IMappingCopy)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9670>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9670>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9670>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingGet(Interface) |
Mapping object providing call to retrieve an item or return default |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056840>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'get': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E97B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object providing call to retrieve an item or return default', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingGet', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingGet at 17e9730>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9730>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7690; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9730 (IMappingGet)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9730>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9730>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9730>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingHasKey(Interface) |
Mapping object providing call to determine whether key is defined |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057080>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'has_key': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9950>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object providing call to determine whether key is defined', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingHasKey', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingHasKey at 17e9930>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9930>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E77B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9930 (IMappingHasKey)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9930>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9930>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9930>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingItems(Interface) |
Mapping object able to return all items as a (key, value) list |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057160>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'items': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E99D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all items as a (key, value) list', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingItems', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingItems at 17e99b0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E99B0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7810; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E99B0 (IMappingItems)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E99B0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E99B0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E99B0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingIterItems(Interface) |
Mapping object able to return all items as a (key, value) iterable |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems at 17e9a30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057240>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1370>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'iteritems': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9A50>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all items as a (key, value) iterable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems at 17e9a30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingIterItems', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems at 17e9a30>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterItems at 17e9a30>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1370>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9A30>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10B0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7870; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9A30 (IMappingIterItems)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9A30>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9A30>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9A30>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingIterKeys(Interface) |
Mapping object able to return all keys as an iterable |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057400>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1870>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'iterkeys': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9B50>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all keys as an iterable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingIterKeys', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterKeys at 17e9b30>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10D0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1870>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9B30>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10D0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7930; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9B30 (IMappingIterKeys)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9B30>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9B30>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9B30>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingIterValues(Interface) |
Mapping object able to return all values as an iterable |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues at 17e9c30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057560>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'itervalues': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9C50>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all values as an iterable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues at 17e9c30>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingIterValues', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues at 17e9c30>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingIterValues at 17e9c30>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C30>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E79F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9C30 (IMappingIterValues)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C30>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C30>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C30>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingKeys(Interface) |
Mapping object able to return all keys as a list |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057320>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'keys': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9AD0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all keys as a list', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingKeys', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingKeys at 17e9ab0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1310>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9AB0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1470>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E78D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9AB0 (IMappingKeys)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9AB0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9AB0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9AB0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingPopItem(Interface) |
Mapping object providing method to retrieve and remove random value |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056920>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'popitem': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9830>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object providing method to retrieve and remove random value', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingPopItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingPopItem at 17e9810>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9810>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1A90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E76F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9810 (IMappingPopItem)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9810>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9810>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9810>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingSetDefault(Interface) |
Mapping object providing method to retrieve or set-default key value |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057000>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'setdefault': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E98D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object providing method to retrieve or set-default key value', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingSetDefault', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingSetDefault at 17e9850>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9850>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7750; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9850 (IMappingSetDefault)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9850>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9850>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9850>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingUpdate(Interface) |
Mapping object able to update from another mapping object |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056760>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'update': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9710>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to update from another mapping object', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingUpdate', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingUpdate at 17e96f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E96F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7630; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E96F0 (IMappingUpdate)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E96F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E96F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E96F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IMappingValues(Interface) |
Mapping object able to return all values as a list |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues at 17e9bb0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057480>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1A90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'values': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9BD0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Mapping object able to return all values as a list', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues at 17e9bb0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IMappingValues', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues at 17e9bb0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IMappingValues at 17e9bb0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1A90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9BB0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7990; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9BB0 (IMappingValues)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9BB0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9BB0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9BB0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectComparable(Interface) |
Object which can be compared to other objects using cmp
There's a considerable number of methods, or a
very large number of interfaces. Not sure what
should be done, so for now it's just a marker. |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843848>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': "Object which can be compared to other objects us...\tshould be done, so for now it's just a marker.\n\t", '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectComparable', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectComparable at 17cc310>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD16D0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC310>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD16D0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9390; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC310 (IObjectComparable)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC310>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC310>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC310>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectContains(Interface) |
Object which can determine whether it contains other |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843008>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__contains__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC050>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which can determine whether it contains other\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectContains', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectContains at 17cc0f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC0F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017BD540; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC0F0 (IObjectContains)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC0F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC0F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC0F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectDelItem(Interface) |
Object which deletes a sub-item by key (random access) |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24844728>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__delitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC470>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which deletes a sub-item by key (random access)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectDelItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectDelItem at 17cc450>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC450>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9CC0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC450 (IObjectDelItem)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC450>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC450>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC450>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectEq(Interface) |
Object which can compute whether other is equal
XXX should have adapters both ways for eq and ne |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843208>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__eq__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC190>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which can compute whether other is equal\n\n\tXXX should have adapters both ways for eq and ne\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectEq', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectEq at 17cc170>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1770>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC170>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1490>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017BD8A0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC170 (IObjectEq)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC170>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC170>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC170>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectGetItem(Interface) |
Object which retrieves a sub-item by key (random access) |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24844048>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC350>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which retrieves a sub-item by key (random access)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectGetItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectGetItem at 17cc370>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC370>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1A90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9C00; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC370 (IObjectGetItem)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC370>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC370>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC370>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectHash(Interface) |
Objects which can calculate a hash/key value |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845168>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD18F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__hash__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC5F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Objects which can calculate a hash/key value', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectHash', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectHash at 17cc5d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD18F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC5D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1810>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9DE0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC5D0 (IObjectHash)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC5D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC5D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC5D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectIter(Interface) |
Object which provides explicit iteration support |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845328>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__iter__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC670>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which provides explicit iteration support', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectIter', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectIter at 17cc650>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC650>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD11F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1CB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9E40; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC650 (IObjectIter)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC650>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC650>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC650>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectLength(Interface) |
Objects which can report a total length (number of sub-elements) |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24844848>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__len__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC4F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Objects which can report a total length (number of sub-elements)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectLength', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectLength at 17cc4d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC4D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1F70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1B70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9D20; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC4D0 (IObjectLength)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC4D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC4D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC4D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectNe(Interface) |
Object which can compute whether other is not equal
XXX should have adapters both ways for eq and ne |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843368>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__ne__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC210>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which can compute whether other is not eq...XX should have adapters both ways for eq and ne\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectNe', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNe at 17cc1f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC1F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1E50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017BDC30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC1F0 (IObjectNe)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC1F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC1F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC1F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectNonZero(Interface) |
Objects which can determine their Boolean truth value directly
XXX Should be an adapter for IObjectLength? |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero at 17cc550>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845008>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__nonzero__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC570>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Objects which can determine their Boolean truth ...y\n\n\tXXX Should be an adapter for IObjectLength?\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero at 17cc550>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectNonZero', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero at 17cc550>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectNonZero at 17cc550>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC550>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD10D0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9D80; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC550 (IObjectNonZero)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC550>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC550>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC550>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectPyDict(Interface) |
Object with a Python __dict__ attribute |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict at 17c7fd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 23635688>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1150>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__dict__': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x017C7F70>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object with a Python __dict__ attribute\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict at 17c7fd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectPyDict', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict at 17c7fd0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDict at 17c7fd0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1150>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7FD0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1370>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD15F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 016C0E40; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017C7FD0 (IObjectPyDict)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7FD0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7FD0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7FD0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectPyDoc(Interface) |
### Python-object protocols |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc at 17c7f10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 23634248>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__doc__': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x017C7EF0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': '', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc at 17c7f10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectPyDoc', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc at 17c7f10>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyDoc at 17c7f10>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1BF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1450>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7F10>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1C30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1BF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 016C0BA0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017C7F10 (IObjectPyDoc)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7F10>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7F10>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017C7F10>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectPyName(Interface) |
Object with a __name__ attribute |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName at 17cc230>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24843608>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__name__': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x017CC270>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object with a __name__ attribute', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName at 17cc230>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectPyName', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName at 17cc230>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectPyName at 17cc230>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC230>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9150; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC230 (IObjectPyName)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC230>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC230>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC230>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IObjectSetItem(Interface) |
Object which sets a sub-item by key (random access) |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24844328>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__setitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC3F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which sets a sub-item by key (random access)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IObjectSetItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IObjectSetItem at 17cc3d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1410>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC3D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01AD1DD0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9C60; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC3D0 (IObjectSetItem)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC3D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC3D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC3D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IPickleGetInitArgs(Interface) |
Object which allows retrieval of "recreation" arguments |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs at 17cc830>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24899792>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getinitargs__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC850>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which allows retrieval of "recreation" arguments', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs at 17cc830>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IPickleGetInitArgs', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs at 17cc830>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetInitArgs at 17cc830>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC830>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9FC0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC830 (IPickleGetInitArgs)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC830>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC830>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC830>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IPickleGetState(Interface) |
Object which allows retrieval of current state |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState at 17cc750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845648>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getstate__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC730>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which allows retrieval of current state', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState at 17cc750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IPickleGetState', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState at 17cc750>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleGetState at 17cc750>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC750>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9F00; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC750 (IPickleGetState)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC750>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC750>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC750>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IPickleSetState(Interface) |
Object which allows initialization from an archive of current state |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState at 17cc7b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24846088>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__setstate__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CC7D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Object which allows initialization from an archive of current state', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState at 17cc7b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IPickleSetState', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState at 17cc7b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleSetState at 17cc7b0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC7B0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9F60; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC7B0 (IPickleSetState)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC7B0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC7B0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC7B0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IPickleable(Interface) |
Marker interface declaring that object is pickleable |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24845488>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Marker interface declaring that object is pickleable', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IPickleable', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IPickleable at 17cc6d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC6D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017C9EA0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CC6D0 (IPickleable)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC6D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC6D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CC6D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceAppend(Interface) |
Sequence object to which items may be appended |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24916296>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'append': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCD90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object to which items may be appended', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceAppend', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceAppend at 17ccd70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCD70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D63F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCD70 (ISequenceAppend)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCD70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCD70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCD70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceCount(Interface) |
Sequence object which can count instances of items |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24916576>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'count': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCE10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can count instances of items', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceCount', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCDF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6450; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCDF0 (ISequenceCount)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCDF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCDF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCDF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceDelItem(Interface) |
Sequence version of get-item, integer keys |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24902192>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__delitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCB90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence version of get-item, integer keys', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceDelItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelItem at 17ccb70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCB70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6270; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCB70 (ISequenceDelItem)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCB70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCB70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCB70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceDelSlice(Interface) |
Sequence which can delete a "slice" of sub-objects by index |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24903432>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__delslice__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCD10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can delete a "slice" of sub-objects by index', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceDelSlice', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceDelSlice at 17cccf0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCCF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6390; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCCF0 (ISequenceDelSlice)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCCF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCCF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCCF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceExtend(Interface) |
Sequence object which can be extended with another sequence |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24916896>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'extend': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCE90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can be extended with another sequence', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceExtend', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceExtend at 17cce70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCE70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D64B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCE70 (ISequenceExtend)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCE70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCE70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCE70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceGetItem(Interface) |
Sequence version of get-item, integer keys
This is the "random access" integer key retrieval
interface, whereas the IIterator interface gives
the more limited sequential interface. |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24901672>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCA90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence version of get-item, integer keys\n\n\tThi...e gives\n\tthe more limited sequential interface.\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceGetItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetItem at 17cca70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D61B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCA70 (ISequenceGetItem)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCA70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceGetSlice(Interface) |
Sequence which can retrieve a "slice" of sub-objects by index |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24902632>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__getslice__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCC10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can retrieve a "slice" of sub-objects by index', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceGetSlice', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceGetSlice at 17ccbf0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCBF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D62D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCBF0 (ISequenceGetSlice)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCBF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCBF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCBF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceIndex(Interface) |
Sequence object which can determine index of a sub-item |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24917376>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'index': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCF10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can determine index of a sub-item', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceIndex', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCEF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6510; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCEF0 (ISequenceIndex)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCEF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCEF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCEF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceInsert(Interface) |
Sequence object which can insert item at a given index
XXX Should have adapters for ISequenceAppend and ISequenceExtend |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24917696>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'insert': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCF90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can insert item at a given...dapters for ISequenceAppend and ISequenceExtend\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceInsert', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceInsert at 17ccf70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCF70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6570; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCF70 (ISequenceInsert)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCF70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCF70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCF70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequencePop(Interface) |
Sequence which can "pop" last item |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop at 17db1b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24919376>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'pop': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB190>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can "pop" last item', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop at 17db1b0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequencePop', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop at 17db1b0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePop at 17db1b0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1B0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D66F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB1B0 (ISequencePop)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1B0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1B0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1B0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequencePopAny(Interface) |
Sequence which can "pop" any item |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24919696>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'pop': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB250>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can "pop" any item', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequencePopAny', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequencePopAny at 17db1d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6750; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB1D0 (ISequencePopAny)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB1D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceRemove(Interface) |
Sequence object which can remove an instance of an item |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24918256>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'remove': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB090>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence object which can remove an instance of an item', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceRemove', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceRemove at 17ccff0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D65D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCFF0 (ISequenceRemove)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceReverse(Interface) |
Sequence whose order can be reversed in-place |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24918696>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'reverse': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB0B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence whose order can be reversed in-place', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceReverse', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceReverse at 17ccfd0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFD0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6630; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCFD0 (ISequenceReverse)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFD0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFD0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCFD0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceSetItem(Interface) |
Sequence version of set-item, integer keys |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24901832>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__setitem__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCB10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence version of set-item, integer keys', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceSetItem', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetItem at 17ccaf0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCAF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6210; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCAF0 (ISequenceSetItem)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCAF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCAF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCAF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceSetSlice(Interface) |
Sequence which can set a "slice" of sub-objects by index |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24903032>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'__setslice__': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017CCC90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence which can set a "slice" of sub-objects by index', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceSetSlice', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSetSlice at 17ccc70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCC70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6330; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017CCC70 (ISequenceSetSlice)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCC70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCC70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017CCC70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ISequenceSort(Interface) |
Sequence whose order can be sorted in-place |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24918976>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'sort': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB150>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Sequence whose order can be sorted in-place', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ISequenceSort', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceSort at 17db0d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB0D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6690; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB0D0 (ISequenceSort)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB0D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB0D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB0D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamClose(Interface) |
Stream providing a close method to release resources |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057640>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'close': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9CF0>, 'closed': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x017E9CB0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing a close method to release resources', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamClose', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamClose at 17e9c70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7A50; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9C70 (IStreamClose)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9C70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamFlush(Interface) |
Stream providing a flush method to flush internal buffers |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057720>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'flush': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9D70>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing a flush method to flush internal buffers', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamFlush', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamFlush at 17e9d50>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9D50>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7AB0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9D50 (IStreamFlush)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9D50>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9D50>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9D50>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamIsTTY(Interface) |
Stream allowing query for whether it is a TTY-like device |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057800>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isatty': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9DF0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream allowing query for whether it is a TTY-like device', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamIsTTY', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamIsTTY at 17e9dd0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9DD0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7B10; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9DD0 (IStreamIsTTY)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9DD0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9DD0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9DD0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamMode(Interface) |
Stream having a mode attribute |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058600>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'mode': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x01806310>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream having a mode attribute', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamMode', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamMode at 18062d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018062D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7ED0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018062D0 (IStreamMode)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018062D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018062D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018062D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamName(Interface) |
Stream having a name attribute |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058680>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'name': <zope.interface.interface.Attribute object at 0x01806390>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream having a name attribute', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamName', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamName at 1806350>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806350>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7F30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806350 (IStreamName)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806350>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806350>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806350>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamRead(Interface) |
Stream providing basic read method |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057880>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'read': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9E90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing basic read method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamRead', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamRead at 17e9e10>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9E10>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7B70; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9E10 (IStreamRead)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9E10>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9E10>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9E10>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamReadLine(Interface) |
Stream providing line-reading method |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058040>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'readline': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9F90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing line-reading method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamReadLine', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLine at 17e9f10>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9F10>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7C30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9F10 (IStreamReadLine)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9F10>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9F10>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9F10>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamReadLines(Interface) |
Stream providing multiple-line-reading method |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058120>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'readlines': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806090>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing multiple-line-reading method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamReadLines', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamReadLines at 17e9ff0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7C90; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9FF0 (IStreamReadLines)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamSeek(Interface) |
Stream providing random-access seeking to position |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058360>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'seek': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806190>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing random-access seeking to position', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamSeek', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamSeek at 1806170>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806170>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7DB0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806170 (IStreamSeek)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806170>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806170>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806170>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamTell(Interface) |
Stream providing feedback regarding current position |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058440>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'tell': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x01806210>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing feedback regarding current position', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamTell', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTell at 18061f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x018061F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7E10; to 'InterfaceClass' at 018061F0 (IStreamTell)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x018061F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x018061F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x018061F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamTruncate(Interface) |
Stream providing feedback regarding current position
XXX Documentation seems to suggest that this interface requires
IStreamTell, though only in cases where size is not specified |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058520>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'truncate': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018062B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing feedback regarding current posi...hough only in cases where size is not specified\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamTruncate', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamTruncate at 1806230>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806230>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7E70; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806230 (IStreamTruncate)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806230>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806230>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806230>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamWrite(Interface) |
Stream providing basic write method |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25057960>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'write': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9ED0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing basic write method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamWrite', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWrite at 17e9ef0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9EF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7BD0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9EF0 (IStreamWrite)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9EF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9EF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9EF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamWriteLines(Interface) |
Stream providing multiple-line-writing method |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058280>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'writelines': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018060F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing multiple-line-writing method', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamWriteLines', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamWriteLines at 1806110>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806110>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7D50; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806110 (IStreamWriteLines)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806110>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806110>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806110>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStreamXReadLines(Interface) |
Stream providing optimized multiple-line-reading method
XXX This probably shouldn't be an interface unto itself,
or at least it should be a child of IStreamReadLines |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058200>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'xreadlines': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018060B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Stream providing optimized multiple-line-reading... least it should be a child of IStreamReadLines\n\t', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStreamXReadLines', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStreamXReadLines at 17e9fd0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FD0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7CF0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9FD0 (IStreamXReadLines)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FD0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FD0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9FD0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class IStringIOGetValue(Interface) |
Provides access to current value of StringIO buffer |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25058760>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'getvalue': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x018063F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Provides access to current value of StringIO buffer', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'IStringIOGetValue', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.IStringIOGetValue at 1806410>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806410>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7F90; to 'InterfaceClass' at 01806410 (IStringIOGetValue)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806410>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806410>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x01806410>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextCapitalize(Interface) |
Text which can generate word-capitalized copies |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960536>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'capitalize': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB550>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate word-capitalized copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCapitalize', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCapitalize at 17db570>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB570>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6990; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB570 (ITextCapitalize)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB570>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB570>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB570>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextCaseLower(Interface) |
Text which can generate lower case copies |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower at 17db970>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24945768>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'lower': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB990>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate lower case copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower at 17db970>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCaseLower', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower at 17db970>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseLower at 17db970>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB970>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6C90; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB970 (ITextCaseLower)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB970>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB970>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB970>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextCaseSwap(Interface) |
Text which can generate case-swapped copies |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap at 17db9f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24946128>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'swapcase': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBA10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate case-swapped copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap at 17db9f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCaseSwap', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap at 17db9f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseSwap at 17db9f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB9F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6CF0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB9F0 (ITextCaseSwap)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB9F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB9F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB9F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextCaseTitle(Interface) |
Text which can generate title-cased copies |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle at 17dba70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24946728>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'title': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBA90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate title-cased copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle at 17dba70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCaseTitle', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle at 17dba70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseTitle at 17dba70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBA70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6D50; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBA70 (ITextCaseTitle)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBA70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBA70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBA70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextCaseUpper(Interface) |
Text which can generate upper case copies |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper at 17db910>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24945448>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'upper': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB8F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate upper case copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper at 17db910>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCaseUpper', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper at 17db910>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCaseUpper at 17db910>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB910>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6C30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB910 (ITextCaseUpper)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB910>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB910>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB910>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextCenterAlign(Interface) |
Text which can generate center-aligned copy of a given width |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960616>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'center': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB5F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate center-aligned copy of a given width', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCenterAlign', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCenterAlign at 17db5d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB5D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D69F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB5D0 (ITextCenterAlign)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB5D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB5D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB5D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextCount(ISequenceCount) |
Text which can count substring occurrences in a given range |
- Method resolution order:
- ITextCount
- ISequenceCount
- Interface
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055600>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'count': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBED0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can count substring occurrences in a given range', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextCount', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceCount at 17ccdf0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextCount at 17dbe50>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBE50>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAED0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7090; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBE50 (ITextCount)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBE50>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBE50>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBE50>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextDecode(Interface) |
Text which can be decoded using a particular codec |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode at 17dbc90>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24948288>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'decode': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBC70>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can be decoded using a particular codec', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode at 17dbc90>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextDecode', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode at 17dbc90>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextDecode at 17dbc90>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC90>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6ED0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBC90 (ITextDecode)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC90>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC90>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC90>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextEncode(Interface) |
Text which can be encoded using a particular codec |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode at 17dbcf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055360>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'encode': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBD10>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can be encoded using a particular codec', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode at 17dbcf0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextEncode', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode at 17dbcf0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEncode at 17dbcf0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBCF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6F30; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBCF0 (ITextEncode)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBCF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBCF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBCF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextEndsWith(Interface) |
Text which can determine whether it ends with a particular sub-string |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith at 17dbdb0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055520>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'endswith': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBE30>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can determine whether it ends with a particular sub-string', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith at 17dbdb0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextEndsWith', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith at 17dbdb0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextEndsWith at 17dbdb0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBDB0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7030; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBDB0 (ITextEndsWith)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBDB0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBDB0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBDB0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextExpandTabs(Interface) |
Text which can generate tab-expanded copies |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs at 17db830>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24944808>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'expandtabs': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB8B0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate tab-expanded copies', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs at 17db830>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextExpandTabs', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs at 17db830>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextExpandTabs at 17db830>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB830>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6BD0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB830 (ITextExpandTabs)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB830>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB830>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB830>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextFind(Interface) |
Text which can find start of contained sub-strings |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind at 17dbef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055720>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'find': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBF70>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can find start of contained sub-strings', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind at 17dbef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextFind', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind at 17dbef0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFind at 17dbef0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBEF0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E70F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBEF0 (ITextFind)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBEF0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBEF0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBEF0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextFindRight(Interface) |
Text which can find start of contained sub-strings from end of text |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight at 17e9050>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055880>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'rfind': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E90D0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can find start of contained sub-strings from end of text', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight at 17e9050>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextFindRight', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight at 17e9050>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextFindRight at 17e9050>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9050>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E71B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9050 (ITextFindRight)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9050>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9050>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9050>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIndex(ISequenceIndex) |
Text providing sequence-style index method with extra arguments |
- Method resolution order:
- ITextIndex
- ISequenceIndex
- Interface
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex at 17dbf90>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055760>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'index': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9090>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing sequence-style index method with extra arguments', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex at 17dbf90>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIndex', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex at 17dbf90>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndex at 17dbf90>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBF90>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7150; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBF90 (ITextIndex)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBF90>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBF90>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBF90>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIndexRight(ISequenceIndex) |
Text which can find start of contained sub-strings from end of text, sequence style |
- Method resolution order:
- ITextIndexRight
- ISequenceIndex
- Interface
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight at 17e90f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055920>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'rindex': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9170>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can find start of contained sub-strings from end of text, sequence style', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight at 17e90f0>, <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIndexRight', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ISequenceIndex at 17ccef0>: (), <InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight at 17e90f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIndexRight at 17e90f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E90F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7210; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E90F0 (ITextIndexRight)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E90F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E90F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E90F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIsAlpha(Interface) |
Text providing test whether the text is all-alphabetic (and non-null) |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha at 17e9270>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056080>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isalpha': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9290>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-alphabetic (and non-null)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha at 17e9270>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsAlpha', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha at 17e9270>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlpha at 17e9270>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9270>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E72D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9270 (ITextIsAlpha)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9270>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9270>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9270>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIsAlphaNumeric(Interface) |
Text providing test whether the text is all-alphanumeric (and non-null) |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric at 17e9190>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056040>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isalnum': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9210>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-alphanumeric (and non-null)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric at 17e9190>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsAlphaNumeric', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric at 17e9190>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsAlphaNumeric at 17e9190>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9190>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7270; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9190 (ITextIsAlphaNumeric)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9190>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9190>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9190>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIsDigit(Interface) |
Text providing test whether the text is all-digits |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit at 17e92f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056120>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isdigit': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9310>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-digits', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit at 17e92f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsDigit', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit at 17e92f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsDigit at 17e92f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E92F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7330; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E92F0 (ITextIsDigit)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E92F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E92F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E92F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIsLower(Interface) |
Text providing test whether the text is all-lowercase (and non-null) |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower at 17e93f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056280>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'islower': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9410>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-lowercase (and non-null)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower at 17e93f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsLower', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower at 17e93f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsLower at 17e93f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE10>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E93F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E73F0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E93F0 (ITextIsLower)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E93F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E93F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E93F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIsNumeric(Interface) |
Text providing test whether the text is all-numeric characters |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric at 17e9370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056200>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isdigit': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9390>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-numeric characters', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric at 17e9370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsNumeric', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric at 17e9370>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsNumeric at 17e9370>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9370>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7390; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9370 (ITextIsNumeric)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9370>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9370>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9370>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIsSpace(Interface) |
Text providing test whether the text is all-whitespace (and non-null) |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace at 17e9470>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056360>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isspace': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9490>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether the text is all-whitespace (and non-null)', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace at 17e9470>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsSpace', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace at 17e9470>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsSpace at 17e9470>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC90>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9470>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7450; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9470 (ITextIsSpace)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9470>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9470>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9470>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIsTitleCased(Interface) |
Text providing test whether text is in title case format |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased at 17e94f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056440>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'istitle': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9510>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether text is in title case format', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased at 17e94f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsTitleCased', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased at 17e94f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsTitleCased at 17e94f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAE70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E94F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E74B0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E94F0 (ITextIsTitleCased)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E94F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E94F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E94F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextIsUpperCased(Interface) |
Text providing test whether text is in upper case format |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased at 17e9570>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25056520>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'isupper': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017E9590>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text providing test whether text is in upper case format', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased at 17e9570>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextIsUpperCased', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased at 17e9570>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextIsUpperCased at 17e9570>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9570>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017E7510; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017E9570 (ITextIsUpperCased)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9570>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9570>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017E9570>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextJoin(Interface) |
Text which can join sequences of text objects |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960176>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'join': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB350>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can join sequences of text objects', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextJoin', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextJoin at 17db310>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB310>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6810; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB310 (ITextJoin)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB310>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB310>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB310>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextLeftAlign(Interface) |
Text which can generate left-aligned copy of a given width |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960776>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'ljust': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB6F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate left-aligned copy of a given width', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextLeftAlign', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextLeftAlign at 17db6d0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB6D0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6AB0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB6D0 (ITextLeftAlign)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB6D0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB6D0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB6D0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextReplace(Interface) |
Text which can generate copies with replaced sub-strings |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960336>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'replace': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB490>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate copies with replaced sub-strings', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextReplace', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextReplace at 17db410>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB410>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACACF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D68D0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB410 (ITextReplace)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB410>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB410>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB410>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextRightAlign(Interface) |
Text which can generate right-aligned copy of a given width |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960696>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'rjust': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB670>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate right-aligned copy of a given width', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextRightAlign', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextRightAlign at 17db650>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB650>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEF0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6A50; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB650 (ITextRightAlign)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB650>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB650>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB650>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextSplit(Interface) |
Text which can create sequences by splitting on a sub-string |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960256>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFD0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'split': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB3F0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can create sequences by splitting on a sub-string', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextSplit', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplit at 17db370>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB370>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFD0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAFD0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6870; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB370 (ITextSplit)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB370>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB370>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB370>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextSplitLines(Interface) |
Text which can split itself on line breaks |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960416>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'splitlines': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB510>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can split itself on line breaks', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextSplitLines', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextSplitLines at 17db4f0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB4F0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6930; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB4F0 (ITextSplitLines)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB4F0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB4F0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB4F0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextStartsWith(Interface) |
Text which can determine whether it starts with a particular sub-string |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith at 17dbd70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 25055440>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'startswith': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBD90>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can determine whether it starts with a particular sub-string', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith at 17dbd70>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextStartsWith', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith at 17dbd70>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStartsWith at 17dbd70>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBD70>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAF10>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6F90; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBD70 (ITextStartsWith)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBD70>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBD70>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBD70>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextStrip(Interface) |
Text which can generate copies with leading and trailing whitespace trimmed |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip at 17dbc10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24948208>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'strip': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBC30>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate copies with leading and trailing whitespace trimmed', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip at 17dbc10>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextStrip', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip at 17dbc10>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStrip at 17dbc10>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC10>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAB50>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6E70; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBC10 (ITextStrip)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC10>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC10>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBC10>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextStripLeft(Interface) |
Text which can generate copies with leftmost whitespace trimmed |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft at 17dbab0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24947168>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'lstrip': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBB30>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate copies with leftmost whitespace trimmed', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft at 17dbab0>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextStripLeft', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft at 17dbab0>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripLeft at 17dbab0>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBAB0>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6DB0; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBAB0 (ITextStripLeft)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBAB0>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBAB0>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBAB0>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextStripRight(Interface) |
Text which can generate copies with rightmost whitespace trimmed |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight at 17dbb90>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24947448>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'rstrip': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DBBB0>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate copies with rightmost whitespace trimmed', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight at 17dbb90>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextStripRight', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight at 17dbb90>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextStripRight at 17dbb90>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBB90>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC30>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6E10; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DBB90 (ITextStripRight)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBB90>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBB90>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DBB90>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextTranslate(Interface) |
Text which can generate translation-table modified copies of itself |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960936>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'translate': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB810>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate translation-table modified copies of itself', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextTranslate', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextTranslate at 17db790>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB790>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAEB0>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6B70; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB790 (ITextTranslate)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB790>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB790>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB790>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
class ITextZeroFill(Interface) |
Text which can generate left-zero-padded copies of itself |
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __bases__ = (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,)
- __identifier__ = 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill'
- __iro__ = (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>)
- dependents = <WeakKeyDictionary at 24960856>
Methods inherited from <Interface>:
- __contains__(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- __getitem__ = getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- __gt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None, __doc__=None, __module__=None) from InterfaceClass
- __iter__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __lt__(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- __reduce__(self) from InterfaceClass
- __repr__(self) from InterfaceClass
- changed(self) from InterfaceClass
- We, or something we depend on, have changed
- deferred(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return a defered class corresponding to the interface.
- extends(self, interface, strict=True) from InterfaceClass
- Does the specification extend the given interface?
Test whether an interface in the specification extends the
given interface
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> class I2(I1): pass
>>> class I3(Interface): pass
>>> class I4(I3): pass
>>> spec = Declaration()
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> spec = Declaration(I2)
>>> int(spec.extends(Interface))
>>> int(spec.extends(I1))
>>> int(spec.extends(I2))
>>> int(spec.extends(I3))
>>> int(spec.extends(I4))
>>> I2.extends(I2)
>>> I2.extends(I2, False)
>>> I2.extends(I2, strict=False)
- get = queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getBases(self) from InterfaceClass
- getDescriptionFor(self, name) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- getDoc(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the documentation for the object.
- getName(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the name of the object.
- getTaggedValue(self, tag) from InterfaceClass
- Returns the value associated with 'tag'.
- getTaggedValueTags(self) from InterfaceClass
- Returns a list of all tags.
- interfaces(self) from InterfaceClass
- Return an iterator for the interfaces in the specification
for example::
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class I1(Interface): pass
>>> i = I1.interfaces()
>>> i.next().getName()
>>> list(i)
- isEqualOrExtendedBy(self, other) from InterfaceClass
- Same interface or extends?
- names(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute names defined by the interface.
- namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False) from InterfaceClass
- Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.
- queryDescriptionFor(self, name, default=None) from InterfaceClass
- Return the attribute description for the given name.
- setTaggedValue(self, tag, value) from InterfaceClass
- Associates 'value' with 'key'.
- subscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- unsubscribe(self, dependent) from InterfaceClass
- weakref(self, callback=None) from InterfaceClass
Data and other attributes inherited from <Interface>:
- __class__ = <class 'zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass'>
- Prototype (scarecrow) Interfaces Implementation.
- __delattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
- __dict__ = {'_Element__tagged_values': {}, '_InterfaceClass__attrs': {'zfill': <zope.interface.interface.Method object at 0x017DB770>}, '__bases__': (<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>,), '__doc__': 'Text which can generate left-zero-padded copies of itself', '__identifier__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill', '__iro__': (<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>, <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>), '__module__': 'basictypes.pythoninterfaces', '__name__': 'ITextZeroFill', '_implied': {<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>: (), <InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface at 16958f0>: ()}, '_v_repr': '<InterfaceClass basictypes.pythoninterfaces.ITextZeroFill at 17db750>', ...}
- __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
- __hash__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACA6F0>
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __implements__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x01E23110>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- __providedBy__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __provides__ = <implementedBy zope.interface.interface.InterfaceClass>
- __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB750>
- helper for pickle
- __setattr__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
- __str__ = <method-wrapper object at 0x01ACAC70>
- x.__str__() <==> str(x)
- __weakref__ = <weakref at 017D6B10; to 'InterfaceClass' at 017DB750 (ITextZeroFill)>
- isImplementedBy = <built-in method isImplementedBy of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB750>
- Test whether an interface is implemented by the specification
- isImplementedByInstancesOf = <built-in method isImplementedByInstancesOf of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB750>
- Test whether the specification is implemented by instances of a class
- isOrExtends = <built-in method isOrExtends of InterfaceClass object at 0x017DB750>
- Test whether a specification is or extends another
| |